Subject: So, anyone got a map?
Posted on: 2008-09-19 22:20:00 UTC
Anyone got the map thing so we can reach World's End, then?
Subject: So, anyone got a map?
Posted on: 2008-09-19 22:20:00 UTC
Anyone got the map thing so we can reach World's End, then?
It do be Talk Like a Pirate Day, me 'earties! Ha-HARR!
And don't say you're orphans, for we know that game.
Any of ye swabbies want to give me a hand? I gots a big keg o rum I be tryin to haul up!
helps winter lug up the big keg of rum up to deck
ALcholoic or non-alcoholic rum? Since I still have bleeprin in my system.
Let's find out, matey!
Pours two tankards, shoves one in Kistune's mouth before he can do anything about it, and downs the other in one gulp
Are ye trying to kill yer own crewmate, swabbie?
... Maybe.
Explodes in a shower of sparkles as the bleeprin and alcohol mix and explode.*
Bloody buggerin' **** **** **** ... no, that's less Talk Like A Pirate Day than Swear Like A Sailor Day, ain't it?
Arr, best be fetchin' 'im. sails off
Anyone got the map thing so we can reach World's End, then?
I's not sure if it is bein' the right one tho'. My readin' ain't so good.
So, Kit, wot's at World's End fer you, then? "The worst fate a person can bring upon 'isself", as Tia Dalma said.
of MArty Stues that Look like me.
curled up in a ball, trying to hide from them.
Gets satellite recon imagery
I see a big cleft in the ice up ahead. If I remember the movie right we'll be hitting fog soon, followed by a gigantic waterfall...
Momentarily dives into home continuum to grab an antigravity pack
Guess it was alcoholic rum, then.
Curse ye, Tawaki, ya scurvy bilge rat, for gettin' thar Gilbert and Sullivan songs stuck in me head!
After all, it be, it be a glorious thing to be a Pirate King.
(It be!)
puts on standard pirate outfit
I remember 'earin' that Anne Bonny an' Mary Read, the famous pirate ladies, went into battle wid no shirts on, but I'll be damned if I'm followin' their lead in that area. Sorry, me lubbers.
(I do gots the 'eadscarves in real life, though.)
offers a selection of gold teeth Ye'll be needin' some way ta carry yer treasure 'round wit' ya!
Speaking of which, I see gold!
Grabs all the gold teeth