Subject: Probably not a good idea.
Posted on: 2008-09-30 10:16:00 UTC
Since it just quacked and all. Here, have a First Pint instead. Welcome, by the way.
Subject: Probably not a good idea.
Posted on: 2008-09-30 10:16:00 UTC
Since it just quacked and all. Here, have a First Pint instead. Welcome, by the way.
Hey there, newb here. It's been a long time since I've been interested in badfic (especially ever since the fabulous FicBitches fell into inactivity) so imagine my delight that there was a yet active badfic sporking community.
I came across PPC not long ago when, on a whim, a friend of mine Googled a gem of amalgamated bad!yaoific we'd written once upon a time called "Immortality in Fickle Affection," which was listed among the unclaimed badfic on the PPC wiki. Intrigued, I decided to see what the PPC's modus operandi involved, and liked what I saw.
Anyway, the long and short of it is that I'm interested in claiming "Immortality in Fickle Affection" for myself, as it looks like no one's taken up that cause yet (sadface). Being one of the writers on the original fic though, I see where this could just lead to a conflict of interests--and far be it from me to harsh anyone's buzz if someone else had their sights on this one. If not, sweet.
Thing is, I don't really know that this fic is capable of (or meant for) fixing in the usual PPC style when the very body of the text is grounded firmly in the "hey, it would be kind of awesome and ...ed up if this happened next!" school of thought. A mess of genital mutilation and yaoific conventions from start to finish.
So I was thinking, what if by way of "fixing" this fic, I went in and provided direct context for every line/event/bit of characterization seen in it? The writing process of "Immortality in Fickle Affection" was passing it between Tekki and myself to try and get the other to laugh, and those lulz were generally based on exaggerated observations of the characterization and badfic tropes of 4+ years ago. Of course, this would also be explaining the jokes, and that always makes things less funny. (Of course, when the decision was made to upload it to the internet, my assumption was that the sheer ridiculousness of the text would speak for itself, but it appeared--with exceptions--not to be the case.) Thoughts? I could, instead, attempt a more by-the-book PPC fixing solution, but something tells me that it would involve a complete renovation that would render it unrecognizable.
Or if you'd just rather I not touch it and leave someone else to make with the funny on "Immortality", I can do that too. I defer to the hivemind.
I gift thee with an egg whisk! It's shiny, gold-plated...and, hey, it whisks eggs! However, it may also be utilized in the whisking of author wraiths and spambots. Use it for good and not evil.
Welcome to the insanity!
Hivemind? Your request for an acid maw biomorph on the Agent of your choice has been approved. Welcome to the looney bin.
Yeah, that's right. I give pokes.
You need permission to actually PPC a 'fic, so for that you need to Page the Permission Givers with a sample of your writing and a link to the badfic in question, and... I think your agents? And they'll look around and give you an answer. Those I can think of are Techno_Dann and Huinesoron, and... Tawaki? I don't remember.
Enjoy your stay a'Board, hope to see you around, have a whisk and a pair of fireproof gloves, good luck!
Welcome to the PPC, and here's an egg!
No clue what'll hatch from it.
Welcome to the PPC. have a list of sporkable fics and a heavily edited version of Celerbrain, for dare readings.
Trust me, you'll need it. Welcome to the PPC!
Now, let's take a looky here. You wrote that story, huh? Well, I know everyone on the PPC has a story they're ashamed of. I myself have hidden mine in the Land of the Gods, guarded by the Dragons of Eternity across the River of Lost Souls.
Anyways, it's really up to you. Firstly, you need ot gian permission to write in the PPC Universe, however. We do have a time-period for that, about a month of active participation on either of the Boards, and then one of our handy-dandy Permission Givers should give you the ok.
ANd it's really up to you about how you PPC. You could MST your story, PPC it, Reference it, dress it in drag and force it to do the hula (I support that one!), it's really up to you.
Anyways, that's all I've got. Be careful, there are a few marbles rolling around here. We don't talk about them, simply bow to them in respect and shuffle them on.
I still have my old badfics from...fifth grade. That's how young I was when I started getting into the fandoms.
I've MSTed my own badfics, though. I just take a character from my more recent fics and force him/her to read it. Always fun to do.
laughs Strangely, not ashamed at all! (It is my opinion that it's still funny as hell.) Though I do wish the ridiculousness of the text had spoken clearly enough for itself, but I suppose what it needed was giant, flashing text scrolling across the top going WARNING: FACETIOUSNESS AHEAD, so in some way I suppose I'm hoping to rectify that here.
Forgive the rampant noobery--which of the "other" Boards would you be referring to? (And do I apply for permission, or.. something else?) Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
This one is mostly meant for RPing and the occasional refuge when we get a Spambot attack. The other Board, which is the main message board that everyone goes to, can be found here:
And to apply for permission to write in the PPC, again, wait about a month, and then ask. Nothing too complex, but we do like to know who we're stealing the Bleeprin from on the occasion. You know about the various Bleep products, right?
Ohhh! Oh, I see, sorry about that. Yeah, I think I got linked here from the PPC LJ or something in response to the spambot.
Should I be reposting my original post over at the other, more appropriate board, then?
(Bleep? Mmm I don't, but I'm sure I can just lurk moar and pick it up as I go ^^)
Head on over, and say hi. You'll get links and explanations there.
The 'Bleep-' products and their assorted uses can be found here:
Warning, you may be showered under shiny gifts, random topics and the occasional plover when you head over to the other message board.
Since it just quacked and all. Here, have a First Pint instead. Welcome, by the way.