Subject: ((Bringing the thread back up here so it's easier to see.))
Posted on: 2011-09-07 11:02:00 UTC

Cara couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the impressions Jake and Boston were trying. "You're not in the costume to be trying that," she pointed out to Jake, patting his shoulder. "I'll leave you two to chat, anyway." With that she kissed Jake's cheek again and slipped away.

The door opened again, letting in a rather mixed group. The tallest was a solid, red-headed man in his thirties, who was practically being dragged by a boy of about five who could be none other than his son. On seeing the other children, Owen whooped, let go of his dad's hand and charged into the crowd, leaving Luke Celinus looking very relieved.

"For a minute I thought he was going to drag me into the middle of it," he commented to the blonde woman beside him. Vicky Hayles, an Intelligence Agent and Owen's mother, smiled faintly.

"Might do you some good," she replied before heading over to say hello to Cara and William and leave Stephanie's present on the designated chair, leaving Luke alone and very nervous-looking.

The last person to arrive was a petite, dark-haired woman just into her twenties. Freya Rowlands had taken full advantage of the come-in-costume suggestion, and was wearing a rather lovely Elven gown. Sidestepping small children, she made her way towards Terry, though she wasn't averse to chatting to anyone else on the way. DoSAT wasn't always the best place to socialise.

((OOC: Feel free to have anyone you like swarm, talk to or otherwise distract this bunch. :P ))

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