Subject: Naomi started to climb down Stormsong's legs
Posted on: 2011-07-26 16:15:00 UTC

"Okay.. this seems familiar, but nah, can't be that. "
She bapped drake on the nose and climbed up onto him, then guided him into the room.
"THis is weird of course. If it was only a single effect on all of us, it would make sense. But it seems to vary."
She closed her eyes at Caleb.
"Say... sparkly boy.." she said iritably, "Can you turn down the bling?" she snapped out. She was being annoyed. Being onyl 5 inches high was really getting to her. Add to the fact she was wearing a scrap of cloth as a toga as her clothes had not shrunk with her, she could understand.
"Although, this does seem a bit familiar. Say, Laburnum, reminds me of someone familiar."
Suddenyl drake yipped and started prancing around. Naomi fell off, but then snapped her fingers.
"Oh.. right. Fox, remember that vacation? Doesn't Lab remind you of a certain pink pony?"

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